Feb.9th,2025 18:20:29
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1. Are these Authentic Louis Vuitton handbags?
A:No, we do not sell Louis Vuitton registered trademark bags. The real Louis Vuitton bags can only be bought from authorized dealers. Our bags are replicas. They have all of the proper labeling in all the correct places, lining, locks, and keys, are of the highest quality you should expect.

2. Do your bags look like the authentic ones?

A:Our company specializes in replicating designer handbags. All our products are made with the same materials as the original handbags. They are identical in every way right down to the serial numbers embossed on each item. Each handbag comes with all the accessories included in the original item such as tags, straps, etc… The pictures on our site are of a random sampling of our stock. The item you will receive will be identical to the item in the picture. Quality is our number one priority. We do not manufacture an item until we have checked the original for all the correct markings and materials. We manufacture our own exclusive replica so we oversee the production of each handmade item. Each item is inspected before shipment to ensure the highest quality standards.

3. Do your bags come with Serial numbers and all the right tags?
A:All our products are made with the same materials as the original handbags. They are identical in every way right down to the serial numbers embossed on each item. Each handbag comes with all the accessories included in the original item such as tags, straps, etc… The pictures on our site are of a random sampling of our stock. The item you will receive will be identical to the item in the picture.

4. Do your prices include any Sales Tax?
A:We declare the goods with a low value in Custom.Most countries do not calculate import tax or any sales taxes for low value imports. 80% of our customers are not charged any taxes.

5. When can I expect my order?
A:Normally within seven days. It takes us about 24 hours to arrange order package and shipment in our working days - Monday to Friday-4:30 am to 6 pm (GMT +08:00) >. And in others time, we have our service online someday for business busy.

6. How can I be certain that my order has been placed?
A:Upon completion of your order, eBuyPurses.com will send you an order confirmation e-mail specifying the products and quantities you ordered, Total price, and shipping address to your designated email address. Please note that this can only occur if the email address you submitted upon registration is still active.

7. Can I change my online order?

A:Please contact with us within 6 hours after you submitted your order If you want to change it! Kindly reminder, you can’t cancel the order once we send out your package.

8. What is your product guarantee?

A: Our number one priority is customer satisfaction. Our objective is to ensure our customers are happy with their purchase and the service they receive so you will return again and again. We are interested in a long term business relationship based on trust, service, and quality. We work very hard to ensure only the very best quality replica is delivered to all of our customers promptly. Top grade materials and meticulous attention to detail. We have complete confidence in our merchandise and therefore guarantee 100% customer satisfaction. If you find any quality problem of the bags, please send photos to show us. Once confirmed by our QC department, you can return the handbag(s) via courier for refund. You only need to return these new unused bag(s) within 7 days of receipt for refund. But the cost of the package return is to the customer's account. Tracking number must be provided before we can issue a replacement or refund.  We are always here to help and you can contact us anytime. Our company specializes in replicating designer handbags. All our products are made with the same materials as the original handbags. They are identical in every way right down to the serial numbers embossed on each item. Each handbag comes with all the accessories included in the original item such as tags, straps, etc… The pictures on our site are of a random sampling of our stock. The item you will receive will be identical to the item in the picture. We do not manufacture an item until we have checked the original for all the correct markings and materials. We manufacture our own exclusive replica so we oversee the production of each handmade item. Each item is inspected before shipment to ensure the highest quality standards.

9. What is your customs guarantee?
A:Our shipping takes only 7-10 days and is guaranteed. That means guaranteed through customs and guaranteed delivery to your door! You don't need to worry about customs seizure or insurance because we guarantee it. We understand your concerns regarding the matter but, I would like to inform you that 99% of our customers receive their packages with no hassles. In off chance that there is a problem we will reship once at our expense. In order to guarantee a secure route through customs and avoid high import taxes and duties, we pack our bags in a special way. We also declare the package at a low value and we ship only small quantities. We hope you find this to be the building blocks of a long standing relationship with us.

10. What is your shipping guarantee?
A:Our free super express shipping takes only 7-10 days and is guaranteed, that means guaranteed through customs and guaranteed delivery to your door! We are not responsible for any import tax charged on your package; we ship all our handbags with low value to avoid such charges. 99% of our customers receive their package without customs hassles.

11. Is your website secure to order from?
A:Yes, we use a 128 bit Secured Socket Layer (SSL) technology to ensure the security of you on line purchase.

12. What payments do you accept?
A:We accept Visa Card, JCB and Western Union. 

13. I saw Louis Vuitton CHANEL Gucci handbags on E-bay, are they real?

A:If the Louis Vuitton CHANEL Gucci bags you find on E-bay are real, then they have been used. You can only buy new, authentic Louis Vuitton merchandise from an authorized Louis Vuitton dealer. We strongly recommend that you ask for proof before believing claims of authenticity. Most of the Louis Vuitton CHANEL Gucci bags sold on E-bay are replicas similar to ours but of poorer quality and higher price.

14. Can I get the bags at the wholesale price?
A:We are unable to sell one bag for the wholesale price. Our solution for you is to buy one bag in the retail price. Once you observed the product, and if you feel willing to proceed, we will reduce the difference from your next wholesale order. eBuyPurses.com takes the risk out of starting your own wholesale business. There are no deposits required, and you can start to profit from your very first sale. All you need to do is Create An Account on our website and start to place orders. If you need any details please kindly notice our Whole Sale Policy.

16. How does Drop shipping goes?
A:Basically, with this drop shipping program you can order items from us one at a time, pay only the wholesale discounted price, shipping is included, please check our "Free Shipping Over 99" for more details.

17. How much do I need to pay for the shipment?
A: At eBuyPurses.com, we provide FREE SHIPPING to USA, Canada, Australia, Asia, New Zealand, France over $99 for all Products .When we receive your order, we make every effort to ship all orders as soon as possible. Once the order is sent out, a tracking number will be emailed to you. 24 hours after you receive your tracking number, you will be able to track your package progress online at http://www.ems.com.cn/english-main.jsp